
Coding JavaScript for Mobile Browsers (part 3) - Writing to the document

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12/25/2010 3:25:03 PM
2.3. Writing to the document

The document.write function allows us to dynamically write HTML code to a document while it is rendering. This was a very common technique in the ’90s, but there are a lot of reasons for not using it in modern websites. Today, the preferred technique is to manipulate the document using DOM after the onload event.


If your script doesn’t use document.write, you should use the script attribute defer="defer". This will tell compatible browsers that they shouldn’t wait for the script to download and/or execute to continue rendering the document.

That said, in the mobile space sometimes it is better not to deal with DOM (especially in low-end devices), so performing document.write operations can avoid a lot of problems. As Table 5 shows, this technique still works on a lot of browsers.

Table 5. document.write compatibility table
Browser/platformdocument.write support
Android browserYes
Nokia Series 40Before 6th edition, no after onload support
BlackBerryBefore 4.6, no after onload support
Internet ExplorerYes
Motorola Internet BrowserYes, no after onload support
Opera MobileYes
Opera MiniServer rendering

For example, you can create a year selection list dynamically to save bytes in the original document. For rendering performance purposes, it is better to use document.write with all the HTML at the same time (including the beginning, contents, and end of a tag) rather than partially writing a tag with many lines. The following code demonstrates this technique:

<html xmlns="">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Document Write</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function createNumericSelect(name, from, to) {
var html = "<select name='" + name + "'>";
for (var i=from; i<to; i++) {
html += "<option>" + i + "</option>";
html += "</select>";


<form action="send">
<script type="text/javascript">
createNumericSelect('year', 1990, 2020);

Remember that document.write should not be used in an event handler, like onload or onclick, because it will have unpleasant results. If you need to dynamically generate content on the page, it is better to use DOM than document.write.

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